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Municipal Emerald Ash Borer Management

EAB Management For Municipalities

Emerald ash borers (EAB) are non-native insects that will infest and kill all untreated ash trees in their path. Unfortunately, most communities in the Upper Midwest have ash as the dominant tree species. EAB has already killed countless trees across the Upper Midwest and is continuing to wreak havoc throughout Iowa, South Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, and surrounding states.


Our native ash trees have no natural defense or measure that will prevent death once infested by emerald ash borer. When ash die from EAB, they become extremely hazardous, often failing without notice. This poses an extreme risk to any person trying to work on removing an infested ash tree.


Infested ash also die within a few short years, causing massive tree canopy loss within neighborhoods and small communities. Without a plan, budgets and resources can be strained with costs to remove so many trees in a short amount of time.

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EAB Management Arborists Who Can Save Your Ash Trees

At Aspen Arboriculture Solutions, we specialize in developing municipal EAB management programs for communities in western Iowa, eastern South Dakota, northeast Nebraska, and southwest Minnesota. Our ISA-certified arborists are trained on the proper techniques to apply EAB treatments to ash trees and perform removals of infested trees in your community.


We have applied these management plans to a number of HOA's along with the City of Lennox in South Dakota so they can effectively plan for and manage their ash trees for emerald ash borer. 


Our owner, Sam Kezar, is a Board Certified Master Arborist and a Registered Consulting Arborist. Sam has the necessary experience and skills to help you best manage your community’s tree resources. A well managed EAB program will save your community money over the course of the project and displace overall costs over time.


Our emerald ash borer management solutions include:

  • Carefully planned and strategic ash tree removals.

  • Reduced canopy loss in a short time period.

  • Clear and accurate communication with the public to reduce misinformation and mistrust.

  • Potential EAB treatment plans to reduce tree removal loads.

  • Consulting and plans for re-planting of trees in the community.

  • Safer tree removal process.


Communities that have been hit with EAB and have not developed a plan to manage the issue have been met with terrible outcomes, such as:

  • Excessive costs.

  • Exhausted emergency budgets.

  • Property damage – both public and private.

  • Extreme stress from the public on city councils and city management.

  • Extreme risk to tree workers and the public from hazard trees.

  • Injuries and fatalities from working on infested ash trees.


Protect Your Community with Professional EAB Management

​When performed by professional arborists, tree injection treatments are 99.9% effective at preventing the death of ash trees by EAB, as long as the treatments are applied regularly. EAB treatments must be performed every 24 months on an indefinite basis to keep emerald ash borers from ravaging a tree. The longer you wait to take action, the higher the costs will be for planning and tree removals, and the greater the risk of accidents and property damage will be.


With an emerald ash borer management plan devised by ISA-certified arborists, you’ll be able to keep your community safe from the threat of these invasive pests. Contact Aspen Arboriculture Solutions today if you’d like to learn more about how our EAB management plans can benefit your community in Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska or South Dakota.

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